The accused, who had escaped from the custody of Kalachowki ATS (Anti-Terrorist Squad) by dodging the police on November 20, was arrested by ATS from Vikhroli in the evening when he had come to offer Namaz in Tagore Nagar area.
The accused Anwar alias Shahadat alias Shaju Abul Hamish Shaikh is a Bangladeshi citizen and was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment by the court.
ATS took accused to its custody
In some sensitive matter, ATS had taken him out of jail and taken him into their custody. It was kept in lock-up in Kalachowki area. On 20th, Anwar went to the bathroom for his daily routine and then made the excuse of washing clothes. He had fled from there after diverting the attention of the patrolling constable on duty. The accused caught a taxi at Kalachowki and came straight to Vikhroli Tagore Nagar. Told the taxi driver to wait, I would bring the money. But he never returned with the money and worked in a garment factory in Vikhroli area.
Case registered against accused
The police suspected that he might come to offer Jumma namaz on Friday. The police's guess proved true, Anwar came to offer evening prayers and the policemen deployed in plain clothes took him into custody.
A case was registered against this accused, who jumped over the bathroom wall, at Kalachowki Police Station under Section 14 (C) of the Foreign Nationals Act, Section 224 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 11 (2) of the Foreign Nationals Ordinance.