Mumbai: The Borivali police have arrested three people for allegedly possessing fake passes for a Garba event hosted by the BJP MLC Pravin Darekar. They were slapped with a criminal case under sections 34 (act done with a common intention), 420 (cheating and dishonesty), 465 (forgery), 468 (forgery for cheating), and 471 (forged document) of the Indian Penal Code, attracting imprisonment up to seven years.
The three – Sanjay Jala, 28, Arpit Patdia, 26 and Girish Solanki, 26 – all residents of Borivali East, will remain in police custody until Saturday. They were found with five fake tickets worth ₹1,500.
The Garba event listed tickets on Bookmyshow
The event, hosted at Balasaheb Thackeray ground, Chiku Wadi, Link Road, Borivali West, in collaboration with 'Hitech events' company, had listed tickets on BookMyShow for ₹300 each. Volunteers at the venue uncovered five fake tickets in possession of the trio. During interrogation, they failed to provide satisfactory explanations regarding the origin of the forged passes.
Senior police inspector Ninad Sawant confirmed that the accused had produced colour printouts of the fraudulent Garba passes and had modest backgrounds, some of whom were employed on a contract basis with the BMC.
Fake Garba tickets sales on the rise
This incident has come to light following a recent case involving fraudulent ticket sales at Falguni Pathak's Garba event, where four people were arrested for duping numerous people. The police reported a substantial sum of ₹5.17 lakh being swindled in that particular incident.
In a Falguni Pathak's Garba case, four people were arrested for duping a 20-year-old man and his friends of ₹5.17 lakhs by selling fake Garba passes for Falguni Pathak's show in Borivali.