Mumbai: The Marine Drive police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) in connection with the death of a three-year-old child, Hridhyansh Rathod, who fell to his death from the fifth floor into the stairwell of Garware Club House during a FIFA game on Dec 18.
Case registered under section 304A
The police have registered a case under section 304A (causing death by negligence) of the Indian Penal Code against unknown persons on the complaint of the victim’s father, Avneesh Rathod. Earlier, an accidental death report had been lodged in the matter.
Mr Rathod has said in his statement to the police that the railings on the stairs are made out of glass. Hridhyansh wanted to go to the toilet and was climbing the stairs with another older child holding the railing, which was missing at one spot, making him lose balance.
Rathod attributed son's death to club committee's negligence
As per Mr Rathod’s statement, his father has been a member of Garware Club House for 40-45 years. In November 2019, he too took membership. Prior to the incident, he had received a message from the club to watch the World Cup final. He stated it was the responsibility of the club’s managing committee to make proper arrangements.He has attributed his son’s death to the committee’s negligence.