Mumbai: Chief Minister Eknath Shinde strongly criticised on opposition parties during last week speech in State assembly. Shinde alleged that UBT Shiv Sena always criticises Mahayuti government called the Mahayuti government as unconstitutional. UBT also criticised Ladki Bahin Yojana but it has been seen in the Maharashtra that ladki Bahin Yojana scheme banners have been erected on the UBT shakhas to get the benefit.
Shinde said State council election result is trailer and picture will be shown in up coming Vidhansabha election. Opposition parties could win 31 loksabha seats because they spreaded fake narrative among people but we have exposed fake narrative. now people will not repeat the same mistakes and will defeat the MVA in upcoming Vidhansabha election in October.
CM Shinde claimed that he has spent Rs 280 Cr for the treatment of poor people under CM relief fund. But Uddhav Thackeray had spent only 2.5 Cr. He also assured eligible slum dwellers of Dharavi, will be rehabilitated in Dharavi itself.
Shinde accepted his government has borrowed the crores of rupees loan for the benefit of poor, farmers, ladki Bahin and for the benefit of common people. CM assured redevelopment work of old buildings in Mumbai will be speed up.
CM alleged MVA had stopped many beneficial schemes of people. Like Bullet train, Metro rail, Jalyukt Shivar but Mahayuti government has restarted those schemes after forming government in 2022.
CM stated that government is planning to construct airport in Palghar district. The work is under consideration. Government has brought around two lakh crores investment in Maharashtra.