The CBI has launched an investigation against a chief manager of Union Bank of India for allegedly demanding a bribe from a businessman to pass his loan request. The accused had demanded 5% of the loan amount as a bribe in advance.
According to the CBI, a written complaint dated August 1 was received stating that the victim, a resident of Santacruz, is the proprietor of a company which is in business of wholesale readymade clothing and had applied for credit of Rs25 lakh from Union Bank of India, Juhu-Santacruz Branch.
“On July 27, 2024, the manager called the victim for a meeting and told him that loan to his firm could not be sanctioned as the relevant documents were not proper. Thereafter, the manager visited his godown situated near Ram Mandir Railway Station and took photographs and directed him to visit the branch next day,” an official said.
“When the complainant visited the bank on July 28 and met the manager, the latter informed him that he would sanction the loan but the complainant had to pay Rs1.25 lakh, which is 5% of the loan amount, in advance to him. Thereafter, he agreed to accept 4% of the loan amount (Rs1 lakh) and later the final amount was settled for Rs90,000,” the complaint said.
As the complainant did not want to pay the bribe, he made a complaint to the CBI. The verification of the complaint established the demand of undue advantage from the complainant to pass the loan, after which a case had been registered against the banker.