Mumbai: As the bookings opened for the maiden trip of the newly-launched Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Vande Bharat Express, more than 70% of seats got reserved within 12 hours on Tuesday. Similarly, over 57% tickets were sold for the Mumbai Central- Ahmedabad train. Both the services will commence regular trips from today.
The regular services for Ahmedabad will depart at 06.10am daily (except Sundays), reaching Mumbai Central at 11:35am. In the return direction, the train will leave Mumbai Central at 3:55pm, arriving in Ahmedabad at 9:25pm. With halts at Vadodara, Surat, Vapi, and Borivali stations in both directions, the service comprises AC Chair car and Executive Chair car.
Passenger feedback has been positive, especially from frequent travellers on the route. Amit Shah from Borivali expressed satisfaction, noting that the new service caters to business commuters seeking to reach Mumbai in the first half of the day.
The service will address a long-pending demand, according to Gujarat's Raju Shah, a rail enthusiast, who emphasised the importance of a similar train in the reverse direction. The introduction of this service is expected to meet the demands of residents in Mumbai, Vapi, Surat and Vadodara, he said.
The inaugural run on Tuesday saw the Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Vande Bharat departing at 09:41am and arriving at Mumbai Central at 3:11pm, with rail fans and school children on board.