Mumbai: Accused of taping a baby's mouth over crying, three nurses working at the BMC-run Savitribai Phule maternity hospital have been booked eight months after the alleged incident. Notably, the civic body had given a clean chit to the trio Savita Bhoir, Sweta and Shraddha now charged for cruelty to children under the Juvenile Justice Act. The action comes after the aggrieved family moved the human rights commission that took the case's cognisance, prompting the police to file the FIR.
Details Of The Disturbing Incident
According to the baby's mother, Priya Kamble, the incident took place on June 2, 2023, when she went to feed the newborn admitted in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). She said that she was shocked to see that one of the accused nurses had applied adhesive tape on the baby's mouth. When confronted, nurse Shweta said that the child was gagged as he was crying for an hour, said Kamble in her police statement. When the family made a hue and cry, the accused simply replied in the presence of a doctor that it's common to tape babies. Kamble also alleged that trainee nurses do not know how to inject needles as there were several marks on the baby's hand.
Victim Mother Seeks Political Help
Subsequently, the aggrieved sought help from ex-BJP corporator Jagruti Patil, who wrote to the assistant BMC commissioner (S Ward). After the incident made headlines, Advocate Tushar Bhosale guided the family to file a complaint with the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission. The commission had kept two hearings, but none of the accused appeared. In the meantime, Hospital Dean Dr Chandrakant Kadam also initiated an inquiry against Savita Bhoir, the nurse who allegedly taped the newborn's mouth.