Mumbai: Four individuals were arrested by the police who ganged up and allegedly kidnapped a 40-year-old man then dumped him in a room in Nallasopara. Interestingly, a single clue about the crime was in front of the police, a name ‘Aliza’, that was noted by the victim before he was blindfolded and kidnapped by the four accused.
Aliza was written on the windshield of the car, and police started looking for vehicles with the same description. So much so, the victim didn’t even recall the colour of vehicle nor the brand of the car.
The matter surfaced when the anxious victim landed at Deonar police station with bruises and informed the police that he was kept in a room at Nallasopara from where he escaped. Police registered a case for kidnapping against four unknown individuals.
Based on police intel, Abdul Darji, Rajkumar Yadav, Mujeeb Shaikh and Sahil Shaikh were arrested. During the interrogation, they confessed that they were real estate agents from whom the alleged victim borrowed money as loan and despite repeated reminders and warning, victim allegedly failed to return the money.
Hence, the four planned to kidnap the victim to intimidate him to make him pay back the loan. Victim, a resident of Taloja, was visiting Govandi for a personal work from where he was kidnapped by the accused.