The Wadala TT police have arrested four office bearers of a housing society – Almeda Compound in the Sion Koliwada area – for allegedly beating up a 40-year-old man to death in the Pratiksha Nagar area of Sion. The accused have been charged for mob lynching, rioting, and murder. The victim has been identified as Javed Chaudhary, a mechanic by profession.
According to the police, the incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon at a garage owned by Kallan Chaudhary, who is the father of the victim, Javed, and the complainant in the case. The garage is located across the road from Almeda Compound. Chaudhary and Javed had been involved in a dispute with the housing society’s office bearers over the garage, particularly complaints about their cars blocking the building’s entrance. The argument escalated on Tuesday.
The society’s office bearers arrived with a group of 10-15 people at the garage armed with cable wires, wooden stumps, bats, and other weapons, allegedly with the intent to attack Javed, who was beaten up brutally. After the attack, the police were alerted. Javed was rushed to Sion Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival.
While many of the attackers fled the scene, the police were able to identify and arrest four – Vilas Shelar, 40, Ajit Singh, 39, Sagar Mohanti, 34, and Ganesh Mhatre, 42 – all of whom are members of the society. The police have also identified several others who are currently absconding, and a manhunt has been launched to locate them.
The arrested individuals have been charged under section 302 (murder), section 147 (rioting), and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code.