The Maharashtra Cyber department sent summons to the owners/directors of the Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms who were named in the FIR for obscenity and asked them not to delete any content or move the servers, as well as be present for enquiry in the matter. While no arrests have been made yet, police have said the app management will be asked to take down their content and arrests may be made if necessary.
The summons that were sent on Tuesday, asked the concerned persons to appear before the police for enquiries about publishing/uploading the obscene content on their OTT platforms or websites. An officer said that they will also be asked to deactivate the links to the content, but not delete them, as they are crucial for the investigation.
On November 6, the Maharashtra Cyber had booked the directors/owners of various OTT platforms and websites, including Ekta Kapoor's ALTBalaji, for showing obscene content. In a press statement released by the Maharashtra Cyber, they had mentioned that OTT platforms like ALTBalaji, Hotshot, Flizmovies, Feneo, Kukoo, Neoflix, Ullu, Hotmasti, Chikooflix, Primeflix, Wetflix and other websites had been hosting obscenity and pornographic content, following which their directors/owners have been booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Information Technology (IT) Act and Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.