Sakal Maratha Samaj Maharashtra has objected to the placement of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's royal seal on Mumbai's iconic Ganesh idol Lalbaugcha Raja's feet. The group that is behind the ongoing the Maratha reservation agitation wrote to the Mumbai Police asking the officials to file a case against the Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal.
The Maratha group took notice of the royal seal being placed on the iconic Ganesha idol's feet after the mandal unveiled the first look of the towering 14-feet idol n September 15. The photos of the Lalbaucha Raja quickly went viral.
During the unveiling, the mandal announced that this year's theme for Lalbaugcha Raja was centered around the 350th anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's coronation. The Ganesha idol is seen on the throne decorated in similar fashion to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's throne.
Sakal Maratha Samaj Maharashtra's letter addressing this issue has been circulating widely on social media. Writing to the Mumbai Police, the group said that it did not understand the intention of the mandal to place the royal seal over the Ganesha idol's feet. Consequently, the mandal hurt the sentiments of the Maratha community with the move, the group. It further asked the Mumbai Police to file a case against the Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal over the issue.
The royal seal
Known as Rajmudra, the oldest reference to the royal seal was reportedly in a letter dated January 28, 1646 AD. The octagonal seal has Sanskrit inscription in Devanagari script. It states that the glory of the seal of Shahaji’s son Shivaji will expand like first day moon. It will be worshiped by the world and will shine only for people's well being.