Mumbai: On Wednesday, Shiv Kanodia, resident of Mantralay, made sure that he performed Yoga with his colleagues. An avid Yoga enthusiast, he and 15 of his colleagues went to the Gateway of India early morning to do Yoga to mark the International Yoga Day celebrated across the world instead of doing it at home, which was their routine.
Throughout the day, citizens gathered in large numbers to participate in mass Yoga events. Santacruz based The Yoga Institute (TYI) organised special yoga sessions and free camps for women, children. "These included camps and workshops on Satvik diets, workshops for women and kids camps. We also had a Yoga session in Mantralay that was attended by the Chief Minister and several senior bureaucrats. Yoga sessions were also held at INS Visakhapatnam and INS Mormugao. These ships were joined and there was Yoga happening over it besides at INS Hansa, naval base in Goa," said Hrishi Yogendra, assistant director of TYI.
TIY was not the only body to organise Yoga. Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur organised one for the Central Railway Police Force and at Raj Bhavan. Atmarpit Shraddhaji, spokesperson for SRMD Yoga said of Yoga, "The overwhelming participation reflects the growing recognition of yoga as a transformative practice for holistic well-being and harmony."
Yoga sessions were also held in jail premises in jails in different parts of the states. It saw inmates participating in large numbers besides the jail staff. In Satara jail Samarth Education Trust's Savkaar Homoeopathic Medical College's doctors did yoga along with inmates and also jail officials.
Yoga enthusiasts at the Gateway of India |
Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur organised a session at Raj Bhavan |
Children's camp at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz |