Mumbai police registered total 566 offences of lockdown violations on Tuesday. Since April 5, Mumbai police have registered 9,019 offences of lockdown violations till Tuesday.
As per the details shared by the police, total 169 cases were of loitering at public places without a valid reason were registered on Tuesday, while 157 shop keepers were also booked for violating the norms. Total 143 people were booked for not wearing mask at public places on Tuesday, all of them were booked under the section 188 (disobedience of orders promulgated by public servants) along with the relevant sections of epidemic act.
On Tuesday, the police also registered total 59 cases of crowding at public places and also booked 12 hawkers for violating the norms. The police registered 9 separate cases of illegal transportation and against hotel owners for flouting norms while six cases against pan shops and two against corona patients for breaking quarantine rule were also registered on Tuesday.
Most violations were reported in Central region with 144 cases being registered on Tuesday which is followed by North region were 124 offences pertaining to the lockdown violations were registered on Tuesday. Total 110 offences were registered in Eastern region while South region reporter 108 offences. The Western region reported least number of lockdown violations where 80 such cases were registered on Tuesday.