Gwalior (Madhya Pardesh): In another incident of negligence, a 13-year-old child died after he fell into an open well while playing, at a wedding function in Gwalior on Sunday night. Apparently, the host family had placed the mattress on the platform of an open well for the guests, when the child slipped and fell.
The water filled inside his lungs and even a 3-hour long rescue operation by the police and divers could not save his life.
According to information, 13-year-old Prem Rajak had come from Bhind to attend a wedding function at his relative’s house in Gwalior.
As part of the arrangements, the groom’s family had spread a mattresses on the platform of an open well for guests to rest. The minor was playing on the mattresses, when his foot slipped and he fell into the well.
People at the function informed police immediately after the incident and struggled for three hours to pull the minor out of well. After taking him out people rushed to the hospital where doctors declared him dead. According to doctors, water entered child’s body which made him to suffocate till death.
Collector orders for investigation, localites blame administration
Information about the incident reached the Gwalior’s collector Akshay Kumar soon after doctor’s declaration. Collector has orderd to carry out an investigation on the matter and said that the one found guilty will be taken strict actions against.
On the other hand, people present in wedding said that even after informing police they never helped them in taking the child out of well. Also, they have complained about the consequences of an open well many a times as people and stray animals have been falling into it frequently but no action has been taken by administration till date.