Vantara, the trailblazing wildlife preservation initiative spearheaded by Anant Bhai Ambani, is excited to unveil its innovative edutainment video series titled "Vantara ke Superstars," featuring the voices of renowned Indian celebrities. These "Vantara ke Superstars" are not just the beloved residents of Vantara but also the new ambassadors of the natural world, giving a voice to the voiceless.
The series kicks off with Gauri, the first elephant to join Vantara, who was rescued from a life of begging on the streets in Rajasthan — she was wildly undernourished, suffering from arthritis, and diminished vision before being brought to the Elephant Camp. Gauri, the favorite female elephant and the first resident of Radhe Krishna Temple Elephant Welfare, symbolizes the transformative power of compassionate care.
This groundbreaking initiative marks the first time in India that a conservation project has introduced such a creative approach. By combining engaging storytelling with vital conservation messages Vantara aims to revolutionize wildlife awareness, emphasizing the importance of protecting our natural world.
This series is designed to resonate across all age groups, from children to adults, targeting anyone and everyone, not just those who are digitally active. The aim is to create awareness for animal welfare and the environment, broadening the audience from environmentalists and conservationists to regular people too.
Gauri's story is one of remarkable resilience and transformation, symbolizing hope for all wildlife. Neena Gupta, who lends her voice to Gauri, shared her thoughts on the initiative: "Working on Vantara's initiative to give voice to Gauri has been a deeply moving experience. Through these edutainment videos, Vantara is not just narrating tales but also fostering a deeper understanding of wildlife conservation. I am honored to be a part of this innovative project that combines entertainment with a powerful message for the preservation of our natural world."
The Vantara edutainment series is designed to both entertain and raise wildlife awareness among viewers, emphasizing the critical role each individual plays in preserving our planet's precious biodiversity. Watch the first episode on Instagram and YouTube (links below) and join us in giving a voice to the incredible animals of Vantara.