Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): Panic gripped Dhar after villagers spotted a female leopard with her two cubs near near the crematorium on Thursday night. They immediately informed the forest department. On conducting a search in the area, the forest team saw the partial pug marks. Forest officials said the presence of large number of villagers in the area might have forced the big cat to retreat to forest.
Forest Dept On Alert
Leopard & Cubs Spotted In Sitapat A Fortnight Ago
In fact, a fortnight ago, cubs including a female leopard were seen in the same way at Sitapat village, just a few kilometres away from Dhar town. After which the staff of the Forest Department reached, CCTV surveillance was also installed in the village.
Here the leopard had also hunted a calf, after keeping an eye on the leopard for two days, the female had gone to the forest with her children. Now, due to the sighting of a female leopard again near Muktidham, apprehension is being expressed that this female leopard is the same one which was seen in Sitapat.
Eyewitnesses said that the female leopard was seen with her two cubs. Residents have seen a female leopard with two cubs near the godown. Hearing the loud barking of the dogs, the residents went near and saw that the female leopard was roaming near the godown with her cubs. However, till the time of writing the news, the forest department had not installed the cage.