Badnawar (Madhya Pradesh): Three people were arrested in relation with fake currency notes circulation, said a police official. The incident came to light when Jitendra Girwal, a resident of Kheda village, sold his two goats for Rs 6,000 in a weekly market last Wednesday.
When he used that money to buy goods in the market, he was shocked to discover that the Rs 200 currency note given by him to the shopkeeper was fake. Subsequently, he complained at the police station.
Acting swiftly, a police team was formed under the guidance of SP Manoj Kumar Singh and SDOP Sher Singh Bhuria. The team, led by station in-charge Deepak Singh Chouhan, scrutinised several CCTV footage to unearth the identity of the accused. The police received intelligence that the goats were being taken to Badnawar from Barnagar on a motorcycle.
The police found out that after purchasing goats, the two accused went towards Barnagar on a motorcycle with goats. Consequently, the accused were identified as Sajid Shah, 27, and Shahrukh Shah, 26, both residents of Kalidas Path, Barnagar.
Police recovered 10 notes of Rs 200 from their possession. During interrogation, they said that they had bought these notes from Kanwan resident, Narendra Rathore for Rs 2,000 to circulate in the market.
The team also arrested Rathore and recovered 30 notes of Rs 200 fake currency. He confessed that he sold Rs 10,000 in the form of Rs 200 notes to Sajid and Shahrukh for Rs 2,000.
Rathore said that he took the notes from a person named Abhishek from Delhi. Rathore is currently on police remand. The team has left for Delhi to know further depth of the fake currency case.