Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A girl lodged an FIR against her live-in partner for allegedly forcing her to change religion, on Sunday. The girl had recently watched 'The Kerala Story' and spotting 'similarities' in her relationship, she decided to file the FIR.
The girl was staying with him as a live-in partner for a few months.
Khajrana police station in-charge Dinesh Verma said that the girl has lodged a complaint that she met the accused named Faizan, a resident of the Khajrana area a few months ago. After that they started living as live-in partners. The girl alleged that the accused was harassing her to change her religion for a few days. She refused to do the same when the accused argued with her. The accused is only Class XII passed and the girl is a graduate.
Recently, after watching 'The Kerala Story' which shows how men lure Hindu girls into their love jihad trap and force them to join terrorist organisations like ISIS, the girl could spot the pattern as he would always force her to change the religion, and that's when she decided to approach the police.
The police have registered a case against the accused under the relevant section and he was detained. Further investigation is underway into the case.