Indore (Madhya Pradesh): MP Shankar Lalwani has demanded from Railway Minister Ashwini Viashnav to run a Vande Bharat train between Indore and Rewa and to increase the frequency of Mhow-Rewa that runs thrice a week to daily.
Lalwani made these demands through a letter written to Vaishnav. The public representatives of Vindhya region have already made the same demand to the Railway Ministry. Lalwani has said that in view of the increasing number of passengers between Indore-Rewa, there is a need to run the Vande Bharat train between the two cities. Lalwani has written this letter on the request of Vindhyachal Social Group.
The MP has written another letter to the minister regarding the Mhow-Indore-Rewa train urging him that the train should be run daily in view of passenger pressure on this train. He has urged the minister to introduce new stoppages of this train at Rau, Rajendranagar and Laxmibai Nagar stations. Awadhesh Tiwari, secretary of Vindhyachal Social Group said that the group is making these demands for a long time.
The MP has stated in the letter that at present train no. 11703 Rewa-Indore-Mhow departs from Rewa at 11.15 pm and reaches the city the next day at 2.30 pm. If this train starts from Rewa between 5 to 6 pm, it will reach the city by 10 am the next day. This will save the whole day of the passengers, the letter states. The MP has asked the minister to issue the necessary instructions to the officials.