Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Collector Ilayaraja T gave scooters to four orphan girls during the Jansunvai held at the collector’s office on Tuesday. The four girls Kalpana, Saloni Vishwakarma, Anjali Parmar and Harmeet Kaur live in the orphanage located at Pardesipura.
They were facing a lot of difficulties in commuting from their residence to workplace and also hindering their search for better employment opportunities. The collector had patiently listened to their problems and approved four scooters for them through Red Cross a few weeks ago and presented them the scooters today. On this occasion, MLA Golu Shukla was also present.
The collector also provided immediate financial assistance to the needy and sanctioned Rs 20,000 to Devendra Yadav and Rs 10,000 to Jyoti Kaushal for medical assistance. Similarly, he approved Rs 10,000 for the education of an orphan child. Today in the public hearing, a total financial assistance of Rs 75,000 was given to the needy through the Red Cross.
The collector heard problems related to development of illegal colonies on leased land, housing, maintenance of parents, illegal occupation etc and assured the complainants of immediate resolution. He not only instructed the officials present on the spot to take a sensitive approach in resolving the applications received from the citizens but also asked them to call the officials of the concerned area and take immediate action and send a report.