Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who had gone at the new campus of the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University as a guest for the opening of the institute had to face massive embarrassment as he was told to "conclude" his speech due to unruly elements in the crowd. According to news agency ANI, BJP and AAP supporters in the crowd indulged in a verbal altercation even as Kejriwal requested them to "listen to him for five minutes."
"With folded hands, I request you to please listen to me for 5 minutes", Kejriwal requested the crowd as BJP and AAP supporters kept raising party slogans.
Earlier, Kejriwal had arrived at the campus for the event.
A college faculty member came up to Kejriwal on stage and can be heard telling the CM to conclude his speech. This makes Kejriwal angry and he says, "if you had to conclude, why did you call me in the first place?"
The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University’s east Delhi campus had become the latest flashpoint between AAP and Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena. Both the sides were adamant on inaugurating the new campus.
Both the parties accused one another of trying to take credit for the new campus of the university. Delhi Education Minister Atishi had on Tuesday announced in a press conference that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would inaugurate the new campus. On Thursday, both CM and the LG inaugurated the campus.