Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi's response to the protesting wrestlers has generated controversy after a video of her briskly walking and running away from questions went viral. A video capturing Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi walking briskly and then running away when asked about the protesting wrestlers went viral. The Congress party seized the opportunity to criticize Lekhi's response, calling it a "sharp reaction" in a dig at her behavior. Lekhi, while rushing towards her car, stated that the legal process was ongoing regarding the issue.
Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party labelled her a "shameless minister". The party's official handle tweeted the video writing, "Shameless minister Meenakshi Lekhi ran away after hearing the question related to wrestlers."
Swati Maliwal, chairperson of Delhi Commission for Women, also attacked Meenakshi Lekhi saying, "Madam Minister, high on power, ran faster than #UsainBolt when asked about female wrestlers. Perhaps, that's why no central minister is speaking anything against sexual exploitation of wrestlers because all of them also dream of running 100 m Sprint! Amazing shamelessness!
Protesters' Demands and Farmer Leader's Intervention
The protesting wrestlers have been demanding the arrest of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, accusing him of misconduct. In an escalation of their protest, the wrestlers planned to immerse their medals in the Ganga. However, farmer leader Naresh Tikait intervened and took the medals from the protesters, setting a five-day deadline to address their demands.
BJP MP's Response and Investigation
Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh responded to the wrestlers' demands by stating that the Delhi Police were already investigating the matter, and there was nothing further to be done. He added that FIRs had been filed based on the wrestlers' complaints and mentioned that their decision to give the medals to Tikait instead of immersing them in the Ganga was their own stance. Singh expressed readiness to face any consequences if found guilty.
International Wrestling Body's Reaction and Support from Anil Kumble
The United World Wrestling released a statement condemning the police action against the protesters during a previous march towards the new Parliament building. They warned that the Wrestling Federation of India could face suspension if the election deadline was not met, potentially forcing athletes to compete under a neutral flag. Former India cricket captain Anil Kumble expressed his dismay at the mistreatment of the wrestlers and called for a resolution through dialogue.
Nationwide Protest and Khap Meeting
In response to the wrestlers' plight, the Samayukta Kisan Morcha has announced a nationwide protest scheduled for June 1 to show solidarity and support. Additionally, farmer leader Naresh Tikait stated that a Khap meeting would be held to discuss the issue further.