Tomatoes are turning out to be red gold for farmers. A farmer in Andhra Pradesh's Chittoor district has earned around Rs 4 crore in just 45 days due to increasing prices of tomato in India. The farmer who hails from Chittoor cultivated tomatoes in his 22-acre land in the month of April. He claims to have sold around 40 thousand boxes of the pricey vegetable and earned a net profit of around Rs 3 crores.
The 48-year-old farmer Murali's fortunes took dramatic turn after he hit the jackpot by cultivating tomatoes. His produce was not only sold in the local markets of Madanapalle but it was also transported to Karnataka.
Murali earned more profit by transporting the vegetable to Karnataka at a higher price. Murali said that he had a debt of Rs 1.5 crore which he was able to clear after earning the amount of profit from selling tomatoes.
The steep hike in prices of tomato helped Murali to earn the good amount of profit. Murali also said that he never imagined that tomatoes would yield such good amount of income. Earlier, a farmer from Pune earned around Rs 2.8 crores by cultivating tomatoes in his field.
He was also benefitted by the skyrocketing prices of tomato. Also, a farmer from Medak district in Telangana made a good fortune by selling tomatoes. He earned a whopping amount of Rs 2 crore from the red gold.