Budaun: In a hillarious or can be stated as 'Moye Moye' moment for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader in Uttar Pradesh's Budaun, a woman claimed that she had to pay Rs 30,000 bribe for a house under the PM Awas Yojana on Thursday (January 18) on stage. The video of the incident is going viral on social media and it can be seen in the video that the woman is claiming that she had to pay Rs 30,000 bribe on the mic in front of huge crowd.
The incident unfolded during the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra
The incident unfolded during the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra in Uttar Pradesh's Budaun, where a function was held and the beneficiaries of the PM Awas Yojana were given the keys of their houses which were built under the scheme.
Had to pay Rs 30,000 bribe
The woman was asked by the BJP MP that "she got the house or not?" to which the woman replied, "Yes". The man further asked her that did she had to pay any money for the house? to which the woman first said "No" and then said "Yes" and informed that she had to pay Rs 30,000 bribe for the house.
Thanks Narendra Modi for the house
The BJP MP then said that this is a big issue while looking at the BJP MLA present on the spot and asked the woman if she wants to thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the house, to which the woman after thinking for a while said "Yes".
The elderly woman beneficiary spoke up from the stage
According to information received, Amla MP Dharmendra Kashyap participated in the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra to promote development in his Parliamentary constituency. During this event, Dataganj MLA Rajiv Kumar Singh distributed certificates and keys for government schemes, including the PM Housing Scheme, to the beneficiaries. However, the elderly woman beneficiary spoke up from the stage and revealed the truth.
The beneficiaries cannot avail the benefits without bribing
The incident has exposed the situation of law and order in the state, and shows that the beneficiaries cannot avail the benefits of a government scheme without giving bribe under the double engine government in Uttar Pradesh.