Ennore: In a shocking incident, several people were hospitalised after an Ammonia gas leakage at a private chemical factory in Tamil Nadu's Ennore. There are reports that the gas leaked from an underwater pipeline which was supplying ammonia gas to the chemical factory in Ennore. The residents in the locality rushed out of their houses after the gas leakage. May were hospitalised after complaints of burning sensation in the eyes and on the face, difficulty in breathing and other issues.
There are no more ammonia gas leaks in Tiruvallur
The incident occurred on the night of Tuesday (December 26) when many of the residents were asleep in their houses. Rescue operation was carried out and many people were hospitalised. Police teams and fire tenders rushed to the spot. Rescue operation has ended and the officials have said that there are no more ammonia gas leaks in Tiruvallur.
Many people took to the streets
Many people took to the streets and launched a protest against the Ammonia gas leakage that was detected in the sub-sea pipe in Ennore. They are demanding a thorough investigation into the matter and also demanding strict action against the people and the company responsible for the incident.
There are no more gas ammonia leaks
DIG, Joint Commissioner Avadi, Vijayakumar told ANI, "There are no more gas (ammonia) leaks at Ennore. People are back home. Medical and police teams are present".
The leak caused a strong smell and five people felt uneasy
There are reports that the sub-sea pipe in which the ammonia gas leakage occurred is owned by the Coromandel International Ltd. The production head said that the leak caused a strong smell and five people felt uneasy and were shifted to a health facility. They are fine now.
Around five people have been hospitalised
They also claim that the gas leakage was noticed on time and was stopped on time. Initially, many people were impacted by the leakage and initiated attempts to evacuate the village after noticing the leakage. Around five people have been hospitalised after they started feeling uneasiness after the gas leakage.