In a shocking incident, a group of miscreants in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut district threatened a textile businessman and demanded a Rs 5 lakh from him. The horrifying incident that happened at Bhagat Singh Market at Mahmud Nagar was captured on CCTV and the footage was shared on social media.
The accused are reportedly members of the Shakir gang. In the CCTV footage, the one of the miscreants can be seen grabbing the textile businessman, who has not yet been identified. He then proceeds to threaten the businessman by pointing the pistol at him.
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Following the extortion attempt, the businessman approached the local police for help. He filed a formal complaint with the Kotwali police station. The police have taken immediate cognisance of the matter and have initiated a comprehensive investigation into the extortion threats. They are reportedly scanning additional CCTV footage for more information on the miscreants, who are yet to be identified.
Official beaten up by lawyers in Maharajganj
Meanwhile, in a separate incident, a Collectorate police post in-charge was physically assaulted by a group of lawyers in the state's Maharajganj district on Wednesday. The incident happened at the local tehsil office when lawyer went to Superintendent of Police to complain about Collectorate police post in-charge Durgesh Singh.
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However, things took a turn for worse after they saw Singh at the office, infuriating the lawyers. The group then charged at Singh and began physically assaulting him. The video showed the lawyers hitting Singh continuously.