In one of the most bizarre incidents that has surfaced from UP's Saharanpur district, a Muslim man named Mohammad Sajid has adopted Hindu religion just ahead of Ramzan, the reason according to him being his Hindu wife named Anita was being harassed by local Muslim youth. He has now changed his name to Satbir Rana. The video of Satbir Rana and his wife Anita performing some Hindu religious rituals is doing rounds on social media.
As per media reports, Sajid now known as Satbir Rana said that his wife was being harassed by other people in the locality purely because she was a Hindu and that they took this decision after tolerating mental torture for a long time.
Mohammad Sajid, resident of Nakul police station area of Saharanpur, is 36 years old. Sajid was married to a Hindu girl Anita four years ago. He said that after marriage, the Muslim community and his family members used to taunt him that he had become a Hindu. He claims of being targeted by his community. Sajid claims that he was asked to leave the house because of his decision to marry Anita after which he moved out in a rented house.
Incident ahead of Ramzan
As per media reports, Sajid later contacted Hindu religious institutions to discuss his problem and later he got himself converted at Awas Vikas Hari Mandir in Saharanpur and also performed rituals. The incident was reported before the beginning of the month of Ramzan.
Anita has two daughters from her first marriage which did not last due to some differences. After separating from her first husband, she married Mohammad Sajid now known as Satbir Rana.
This comes 4 days after a Muslim woman Rukhsana, a resident of Bangarda, made a life-changing decision and embraced the Hindu religion and entered nuptial knot with Sunil from Pipalkota, a choice that was filled with love and devotion. The ceremony was a beautiful blend of traditions, with the couple taking seven sacred rounds around the holy fire, symbolizing their lifelong commitment to each other.