Hamirpur: A heart-wrenching video has emerged on the internet in which the family member is seen taking a patient to the hospital on a vegetable cart as the ambulance did not show up even after repeated calls in Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur. There are claims that the video has exposed the poor state of the health department in Uttar Pradesh. The video of the incident is doing rounds on social media and it can be seen in the video that the family member of the patient is taking him to the hospital on a vegetable cart.
The relatives of the patients claimed that they repeatedly dialled 108
The incident is said to have occurred on Sunday (November 5) and the video of the incident is going viral on social media. The relatives of the patients claimed that they repeatedly dialled 108 but did not get any response from the health department. As the condition of the patient started to deteriorate, the relatives were forced to take him on a vegetable cart to the hospital.
The authorities are refuting the claim from the relatives of the patient
However, there are reports that the authorities are refuting the claim from the relatives of the patient that the ambulance did not show up even after calling several times. The authorities revealed that they were dialing the wrong number to call the ambulance. They claimed that the helpline number for the ambulance is 108 and they were dialing 0108, hence the ambulance did not show up as they were dialing the wrong number.
The relative took the patient to the District Hospital
It can be seen in the video that the patient is lying on the cart covered with a blanket and his relative is seen pushing the cart in the middle of traffic on the road in Hamirpur. The relative took the patient to the District Hospital. The opposition parties are attacking the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government after the video has hit the internet.
Akhilesh Yadav shared the video on his official social media account
Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav shared the video on his official social media account and said, "In Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh, when an ambulance did not come when called to take the patient, the family members were forced to take the patient on a handcart. When the film is over, then please feel emotional about their grief and talk to the elected health ministers of other states as well."
Samajwadi Party also shared the video and slammed the Uttar Pradesh Govt
Samajwadi Party also shared the video and slammed the Uttar Pradesh Government. It said, "Under Yogi government, people are forced to carry patients on carts! Due to unavailability of ambulance in Hamirpur, the family members carried the patient on a handcart and took him to the hospital. Very shameful! The health system in the state is in disarray, the Bayanveer Chief Minister and the Health Minister are responsible for this plight. The public will answer in 2024."