Uttar Pradesh: Meerut police said it filed a complaint against unidentified persons on Monday night for allegedly misbehaving with three women from overseas, while they were visiting the Chaudhary Charan Singh University.
The police said the complaint was filed on the basis of a viral video in which the unidentified miscreants are purportedly seen misbehaving with the women and questioning the purpose of their visit to the university.
Meerut's SSP spoke to media about the case
Speaking to mediapersons on Tuesday, Meerut's Senior Superintendent of Police, Rohit Singh said, "The three women from overseas were visiting the Chaudhary Charan Singh University. They were speaking in Hindi and someone recorded their conversation and made it viral claiming that they were propagating a particular religion on campus. However, it was nothing but propaganda. A complaint was filed against unidentified persons (seen in the viral video)."
Further, according to sources, one of the youths in the viral video was allegedly heard asking the women, "Christianity mein kya hota hain? (What is Christianity all about?)" Further, in the purported video, as the women are seen trying to get away from the youths confronting them, they are heard saying, "Ek hi bnagwan hain, bhagwan Ram (there is only one god, which is Lord Ram)".
Later, in the viral video, the men are purportedly heard chanting 'Jai Shri Ram' in front of the women visitors before saying allegedly, "They are Christian missionaries."