Former Mumbai NCB chief Sameer Wankhede and his wife Kranti Redkar alleged that they received death threats through social media. After receiving the threat, Sameer Wankhede said that he informed senior officers of Mumbai Police about the threat. Sameer Wankhede is an accused in the 2021 Cordelia cruise drugs bust and bribery case involving Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
Recently, the NCB affidavit had said that Sameer Wankhede made "a mountain out of molehill" in the Aryan Khan case after arresting Khan for possession of drugs during a raid on the Cordelia cruise in 2021.
Wankhede's alleged chats with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan while the latter's son was in custody had also gone viral. The Bombay High Court in May had instructed Sameer Wankhede to not make the chats public and refrain from giving statements to the press. The Court also extended protection to Wankhede till June 8 in the extortion case.
The court also scheduled the next date of hearing in the case on June 8. Wankhede was also asked by the court to visit the CBI office whenever called. Wankhede shot to fame after the drugs raid on Cordelia cruise ship in 2021 that involved Aryan Khan. However, the subsequent events and developments in the case got Sameer Wankhede in trouble as facts from the case emerged which raised fingers and suspicion on him.