Accusing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of stirring up communal tension and polarisation in Telangana, state Information Technology Minister KT Rama Rao (KTR) said he will talk to the censor board over the release of Razakar. The Telugu-language film is produced by senior BJP leader Gudur Narayana Reddy and its trailer was released on September 17.
Following the release of Razakar's trailer, some social media users alleged the film aimed at dividing the society on communal lines. Taking note of one such tweet, KTR reacted strongly to the trailer and said he would talk to the Telangana police and the censor board.
"Some intellectually bankrupt jokers of the BJP are doing their best to instigate communal violence and polarisation for their political propaganda in Telangana," KTR said on X (formerly Twitter). "We will take up the matter with censor board and also the Telangana police to ensure that the law & order situation of Telangana is not affected."
Razakar trailer
The Razakar movie claims to show the story about the Razakars, a Muslim paramilitary group that was behind the widespread disruption during the tenure of Hyderabad's last Nizam, Osman Ali Khan. The last Nizam had sought to maintain Hyderabad's autonomy during India's fight for independence.
The trailer opens with the caption, "15 August 1947. India attained Independence. But Hyderabad did not." This is followed by scenes of bearded men engaging violence with ambitions to transform Hyderabad into 'Turkistan' amid the backdrop of the partition.