Mumbai: The excitement for the Pran Pratishtha ceremony has gripped the nation and our Prime Minister is not immune from it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday shared a playlist of over 60 Bhajans dedicated to Shri Ram ahead of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony which is scheduled to be held on January 22. Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared the bhajan on his official social media account. The playlist that the Prime Minister shared consists of some of his favourite Bhajans.
PM Narendra Modi shared the Bhajans on 'X'
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared the Bhajans on 'X' and said, "Over the last few days, many people have been sharing their favourite Shri Ram Bhajan. Sharing a playlist covering some of them. Experience the universal appeal of Prabhu Shri Ram, as each Bhajan transcends language, uniting us all in reverence."
Many people have been sharing their favourite Shri Ram Bhajans
PM Modi said that many people have been sharing their favourite Shri Ram Bhajans ahead of the Ram Temple consecration ceremony to be held on January 22. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the temple on Monday and dedicate it to the nation and the devotees who are eagerly waiting to welcome Lord Ram at Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
PM Modi shared Osman Mir's Bhajan "Shri Ramji Padhare"
Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared Osman Mir's Bhajan "Shri Ramji Padhare" on his official social media account. Sharing the Bhajan, he said, "There is excitement and joy everywhere regarding the arrival of Shri Ramji in Ayodhya city. You will get a divine experience after listening to this melodious Ram Bhajan of Osman Mir ji."
PM Modi also asked the devotees to listen to two Ram Bhajans
Prior to this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also asked the devotees to listen to two Ram Bhajans of Vikas and Mahesh Kukreja. He said, "Today, along with Ayodhya, auspicious songs are being sung everywhere in the country to welcome Lord Shri Ram. On this auspicious occasion, you must also listen to the Ram Bhajan of Vikas ji and Mahesh Kukreja ji, filled with devotion to Ram Lala," PM Modi posted on X.
The devotees are reaching Ayodhya in huge numbers
The one week long ceremony for the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Temple has begun from January 16 and the devotees are reaching Ayodhya in huge numbers to witness the event. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate the temple to the nation on January 22. The BJP has urged all the devotees to celebrate the day like Diwali.