After a two-day break, the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra resumed on Sunday in North Bengal. The yatra moved from Jalpaiguri district to Siliguri, where Congress leader Rahul Gandhi urged the people of Bengal to show the way to the country. "Bengalis had led the ideological fight during the Independence struggle. People will not forgive you if Bengal and Bengalis do not show the way to the country," Gandhi said.
'The BJP-led central government is businessmen,' said Congress
Gandhi took potshots at the BJP-led central government. "The present central government is spreading hatred across the country; due to the injustice, the word Nyay (justice) has been added to our rally. The youth is dreaming of securing jobs. Today, people laugh at a poor person who dreams big. Youth who wished to join the Indian Army had their dreams shattered after the central government launched the Agniveer scheme. The present government is for big businessmen and not for the youth," the Congress leader said.
Mamata Banerjee is 'strongest pillar' of opposition, said Jairam Ramesh
Earlier on Sunday, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh, who also to attend the party's rally in West Bengal, said that Mamata Banerjee is the "strongest pillar" of the opposition alliance. "Mamataji had said that her primary target is to defeat the BJP and that is also the aim of the Congress. She is the strongest pillar of the INDIA bloc," Ramesh said.
"It is true that Bengal had always shown the way, and Mamata Banerjee is taking Bengal ahead, and she is capable of defeating the BJP alone," said Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha MP Shantanu Sen.