Kerala: In yet another incident highlighting the ongoing stray dog menace in Muzhappilangad in Kerala's Kannur, a nine-year-old girl named Jhanvi was attacked and severely injured by a pack of strays. This incident comes after another previous attack leading to the tragic death of a young boy in the area.
Jhanvi's Attack and Injuries
While playing in her house's yard, Jhanvi was attacked by three stray dogs. CCTV footage of the incident shows that the dogs dragged her to the ground, biting her and attempting to take her away. They repeatedly bit her all over her hands, legs and head as she can be heard screaming for help.
The dogs fled when people responded to Jhanvi's cries for help. Local reports suggest that she sustained deep wounds on her head, abdomen, thighs, and hand. Currently, she is undergoing treatment at a private hospital.
Previous Incident of Dog Attack
This recent attack follows a similar incident in Chathinamkulam, where a tenth-grade student named Adil was also attacked and bitten by a stray dog. He is currently receiving treatment at the district hospital.
Furthermore, on June 11, a ten-year-old boy named Nihal was tragically mauled to death by stray dogs in Muzhappilangad. Since then, efforts have been made to capture stray dogs in the region, resulting in the capture of 31 dogs by the local authorities.
Calls for Action on Stray Dog Menace
Nihal's father, Naushad, has demanded urgent measures to address the aggressive stray dog issue, hoping to prevent others from experiencing the same tragedy.
Kannur District Panchayat President, PP Divya, expressed the need for court intervention in cases where stray dogs cause fatal injuries to individuals. Divya emphasized the importance of protecting people's lives and mentioned plans to approach the Supreme Court regarding obtaining permits for the removal of aggressive stray dogs.