The ISRO Chief S Somnath was diagnosed with cancer on the day when Aditya L-1 was launched. Chief S Somnath opened about his cancer treatment during an interview with Tarmak media house which was published on a You tube platform.
Somnath confirmed about his growth of cancer in his body while speaking with Dr. Anantha Krishnan M. During the interview Somnath said, "In the morning before Aditya L-1 launched, I ran some scan that's when we realised that cancer was growing inside my stomach."
The diagnosis came to him as well his family and his colleagues as a shock, who supported him throughout his cancer journey.
Somanth Diagonsed with cancer, undergoes chemo
S Somnath after been diagnosed soon went through an operation following chemotherapy.
Speaking about his ongoing cancer journey, he said, "It was a shock for the family. But now, I perceive cancer and its treatment as a solution."
"At the time, a complete cure was uncertain, and the process was undergoing," he admitted, emphasising the ongoing nature of his battle against cancer.
After spending just four days in the hospital, his duties at ISRO were resumed, and work was resumed from the fifth day without any pain.
Although, Somanth is undergoing regular checkups and scans. He stated that, "I am completely cured now and my duties have been resumed."
Cancer news broke to Somanth on Aditya L1 launch day
On September 2, 2023, as India's first space-based solar observatory, Aditya L1, began its mission to study the Sun, S Somnath underwent a routine scan, revealing a growth in his stomach.
This unexpected revelation caused Somanth to travel to Chennai for additional scans, which confirmed the existence of a hereditary condition. Within days, it was established that he faced a substantial health challenge alongside his professional obligations.