In a shocking incident that has come to light from Sonipat of Haryana, a security guard's body was found in a public park in a very mutilated condition. The murder reportedly took place on Sunday. Local residents who went for a walk in Devi Lal Park in Sonipat saw the dead body of the young man lying in the park. He was wearing a uniform of a security guard. Police confirmed that the victim was was murdered by being smashed in the head and face several times with stones. Blood stained stones were also recovered from the spot. Soon after being informed of the incident, Bahalgarh police arrived at the spot and launched the probe.
On Sunday morning, local residents who went for a walk in Devi Lal Park of Sonipat saw the dead body of a young man lying there. He was wearing the uniform of a security guard. The investigation has so far revealed that the young man has been identified as Imran and was a resident of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He migrated to Haryana for a job. He was working as a security guard in Bahalgarh area. Investigation is underway in full swing. The motive behind the murder is still yet to be established as the police are still searching the whereabouts of Imran's family and the the accused. Police said that once the family members are identified and contacted, the most mortem of the body will take place.
This comes after a similar incident was reported in Haryana just a few days ago. On March 17th, a chilling murder was reported in Narnaul. A mutilated body of a young man was found near Saini Dharam Kanta in Narnaul. Police said that the accused first attacked the youth on his head with bricks and then inserted an iron rod into his head. Passersby informed the police and family members about the incident. Police admitted him to Narnaul Civil Hospital where doctors declared him dead. Police had arrested the two accused.