In a shocking incident at a restaurant in Gurugram, Haryana, five individuals found themselves in a critical condition after consuming a mouth freshener that turned out to be poisonous. The incident has sparked panic among locals, as the victims experienced severe health complications, including bleeding from the mouth.
Details of horror
After enjoying a meal at the unidentified restaurant, they opted for a customary mouth freshener. However, moments after ingesting the supposedly refreshing concoction, they began to experience a burning sensation, followed by bouts of vomiting. To their horror, blood started to pour from their mouths, prompting immediate concern.
According to news reports, all five victims were swiftly rushed to a private hospital for urgent medical attention. The latest update reveals that two out of the five individuals are currently in dire conditions, highlighting the severity of the poisoning.
Preliminary reports suggest that the mouth freshener contained a deadly acid, as confirmed by a doctor cited by Pipa News. The doctor emphasised the hazardous nature of the substance, stating that its consumption could potentially be fatal.