Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Friday slammed Congress and alleged that a Dalit man was burned alive in Sagar, while another person was lynched in Dhar during Kamal Nath's tenure.
"This is a condemnable act by Congress. We removed SP, Collector and IG after Guna incident. What did they do when a Dalit man was burned alive in Sagar and a person was lynched in Dhar during Kamal Nath's tenure?," Narottam Mishra told news agency ANI.
Madhya Pradesh Home Minister’s comments comes after Opposition Congress has gone belligerent on the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government accusing it of persecuting Dalits and the poor, even as the administration in a strong move removed the IG of Gwalior division, the Guna Superintendent of Police and the District Magistrate.
According to reports, the Dalit family was brutally beaten up by the police during an anti-encroachment drive. The videos of the incident are doing rounds on social media in which it can be seen that a man, his wife and two children at the receiving end of the police action. In the video, the man was seen being dragged by the police after being beaten up as the woman and the children begged. The man faced the brunt of police action for allegedly occupying the piece of land meant for college building in Cantt area of Guna.
After the incident, the Dalit couple had consumed insecticide. The video of the incident went viral on the social media and now, the matter has taken on political hue with the Congress targeting the state government for being anti-Dalit.