In an unusual incident, the railway police at Surat railway station seized around 1600 kilograms of suspected animal meat. The meat was found in 20 parcels that arrived from Mumbai via the Karnavati Express.
The suspicious parcels were identified during a routine check by Commercial Inspector Ganesh Jadhav and Deputy Commercial Inspector Anand Sharma. Upon noticing suspicious items within the parcels, they immediately moved them to the office for further inspection. The examination confirmed the presence of suspected animal meat, prompting them to inform the railway police.
The railway police promptly took possession of all 20 parcels and seized the meat. Samples were collected and sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) for investigation to determine the exact type of meat and its origin. Further action will be taken by the police based on the FSL report.
Railway authorities informed that while frozen food items, particularly fish, are occasionally transported via parcels, this is the first instance of such a large quantity of suspected animal meat being sent from Mumbai to Surat through railway parcels.
The meat parcels were booked in the name of Ayyub and Rasool of Surat by a sender named Dilawar from Mumbai. The railway police are currently investigating the case and await the FSL report to determine the next course of action. The seized meat is presently under police custody.
This incident highlights the vigilance of railway staff and the prompt action taken by the police to ensure the safety and legality of items transported via railways. The FSL analysis will determine the nature of the meat and whether any further action is required.