A video featuring a female constable from Bihar Police has circulated widely on social media. The viral footage captures her involved in a dispute with a Magistrate at an event hosted by the Animal Husbandry Department in the capital city of Bihar, Patna.
Allegedly, a disagreement arose between the magistrate and the on-duty police constable responsible for event security, centered around the issue of water. The conflict ensued when the magistrate asked the constable to fetch water, resulting in a heated argument where the constable turned it to a matter of prestige. Subsequent to the altercation, the Magistrate threatened to escalate the issue to the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) at the police line and file a complaint against the police personnel.
Hungry herself, woman constable gets angry at magistrate asking for water
It's worth noting that this incident transpired on Thursday, November 30th, during a program organized by the Animal and Fisheries Department to release 105,000 fish fry into the Ganga river at Digha Ghat in Patna.
For event security, police officers had been deployed from the police lines since the morning, with VP Gupta serving as the magistrate for the program. The police personnel, having skipped breakfast, found themselves at odds when the Magistrate asked a policewoman to fetch water before the event commenced. This demand seemed to have displeased the female constable, sparking the disagreement.
What did the lady constable say?
Questioning the magistrate's request, she inquired why she, as a government servant, should fetch water for him, emphasizing that she was not his personal servant. Subsequent to the dispute, all the other policemen rallied behind her, opposing the magistrate's stance.
The incident, captured in a video, has gained widespread attention on social media. In the viral footage, the female constable can be heard expressing, "Are we their servants? We are servants of the government. Does he have a personal servant? They themselves have had breakfast since morning, and did they ask us for breakfast? And he is asking us for water. Has he seen his face?"
Magistrate says he will complain to DSP
In reference to the incident, Magistrate VP Gupta explained that his request for water was simply a matter of basic humanity. He emphasised that anyone can ask for water and receive it to drink. Gupta mentioned that when he brought bottles from his own residence, he provided water to everyone present. However, if these individuals choose to turn it into a matter of prestige, he expressed his intention to file a complaint with the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) at the police line.