Gangster Sandeep, also known as Kala Jatheri, tied the knot with Anuradha Choudhary, alias 'Revolver Rani,' a history sheeter with multiple criminal charges, in Dwarka, Delhi, on Tuesday. The wedding venue at Santosh Garden in Dwarka Sector-3 was heavily guarded, with over 250 police personnel deployed.
Sandeep's lawyer arranged the booking of the venue, costing Rs 51,000. The gangster obtained a six-hour parole from a Delhi court for his wedding ceremony.
According to sources, the SWAT (Special Weapons and Techniques) team of Delhi Police Special Cell, Third Battalion, Special Staff, and a team of around 150-200 police personnel were deployed at the venue of the function- a banquet hall in Dwarka.
A complete list of attendees were also under police scrutiny. Jatheri had sought custody parole on humanitarian grounds for his marriage.
Applications moved through advocate Rohit Dalal had submitted that the right to marriage has been declared a constitutional right under Article 21. Both the applicant or accused and his fiancee are of the age of majority as governed by the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. In addition to this, the owner of the banquet hall where the ceremony is taking place has been asked to install CCTV on the entire premises.
The 'Grih Pravesh' ceremony of the bride has been fixed for March 13 at about 11am at Jatheri village in Haryana's Sonipat, where the bride along with the groom will enter her matrimonial home.It was further submitted that the denial of marriage to the applicant/accused would cause prejudice and violate Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
Jatheri is in custody for several serious cases, including that of MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act), for allegedly running an organized crime syndicate.Both Kala Jatheri and Anuradha Choudhury were arrested by Delhi Police Special Cell from Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh in July 2021.
Anuradha, a member of Kala Jatheri gang and a close associate of slain gangster Anandpal singh is facing several charges of extortion, kidnapping, murder and abduction cases in Rajasthan and Delhi is currently out on bail.
(With inputs from ANI)