New Delhi: A retired official from All India Radio’s Akashvani and her daughter were found dead in their apartment in Delhi's Krishna Nagar neighbourhood. The Delhi Police said that their bodies were discovered by them after they got a PCR call at 8 pm reporting a bad smell coming from the flat. Rohit Meena, DCP Shahdara, told ANI that the callers informed of a foul smell that was coming out of a first-floor flat in Krishna Nagar E block around 8 pm.
Subsequently, a police team was rushed to the apartment where the bodies of a 65-year-old woman and her 36-year-old daughter were found. The police suspect that a third known person was with the deceased inside the flat and that they are investigating all possible angles. The deceased were identified as Rajrani and her daughter Ginni Karar.
Police register case, hunt to nab accused on
The home where the victims were discovered had two locking systems, one at the main entrance gate and the other at the main door, which could only be opened with authorization, according to the authorities.
The DCP further added that they have obtained some important clues and an investigation in on. Raids are being conducted in multiple locations and the case is being probed from all angles.
According to the reports, Ginni was in school while Rajrani had left Akashvani. The woman's husband had passed away a few years before, and the family had been residing on the first level of the structure. The police have registered a case under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and are trying to nab the accused.
(With inputs from ANI)