New Delhi: In what seems to be a big set back for Kejriwal, Delhi Court has extended ED Remand Of Arvind Kejriwal Till April 1 in the money laundering case related to the alleged liquor policy scam case. He was arrested on the night of March 21. As per an ANI report, ED while seeking remand stated that Data in one mobile phone (belonging to the arrestee's wife) has been extracted and is being analyzed. However, data from the other 4 digital devices seized during search at Arvind Kejriwal's premises on 21.03.2024 (belonging to the arrestee himself) are yet to be extracted as the arrestee has sought time to provide password/login credentials after consulting with his lawyers.
Earlier today, Kejriwal addressed the Court in person and submitted he is not opposing remand. Kejriwal alleged that he was being trapped and being falsely implicated and that the entire case is nothing short of a "political conspiracy" against him. He further claimed that there was no strong evidence against him and that the probe agency was cornering him by accumulating collective evidence against him. In another bigger charge made by Kejriwal in Court, he claimed that the approver was even forced to make a statement against him.
Background of the case
The probe agency had arrested Kejriwal on March 21 in connection with an alleged excise policy-linked money laundering case after he skipped 9 summons. The case relates to alleged irregularities and money laundering in the formulation and execution of the Delhi excise policy in 2022. Aam Aadmi Party leaders Manish Sisodia and Sanjay Singh are also accused in the case and are presently in judicial custody.