As the threat from the Omicron variant looms large, the chief minister of Goa Pramod Sawant on Tuesday chaired a high-level meeting and issued fresh guidelines for international passengers and made RT-PCR Test must on their arrival.
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant while issuing the guidelines said that all passengers will have to follow COVID protocols strictly. He said that the people coming from 12 ‘at-risk countries’ will have to follow 14-day quarantine strictly.
“All international passengers coming here – whether at Goa Airport or Mormugao Port – will have to follow protocols strictly. They will have to strictly undergo COVID tests. People coming from 12 ‘at-risk countries’ will have to follow 14-day quarantine strictly, Sawant said in the order as reported by news agency ANI.
The guidelines were issued after a high-level meeting on Covid-19 protocols following concerns over the latest variant Omicron was chaired by the Chief Minister with ministers and state health department.
The meeting was also attended by airport officials and the Mormugao Port Trust.