Raipur: AAP's National convener cum Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Maan is coming to Chhattisgarh on two days visit on Friday. Both the CM will carry out road shows in support of their candidate in Akaltara on Friday. Meanwhile, both the CM will participate in another road show to be carried in Masturi and Kawardha on Saturday.
Both the CMs will be accompanied by Rajya Sabha MP, AAP State President Komal Hupendi said.
CM Kejriwal and CM Maan will land at Raipur airport around 1.30 and then leave for Bilaspur’s Akaltara to sensitize the voters about AAP Agenda, one AAP spokesperson said.
Notably, AAP has given tickets on 57 seats to its candidates to contest in Chhattisgarh Assembly elections.