A case of indiscriminate firing by miscreants has come to light at a jewelery showroom located in Royal Market, Delhi. After the incident, the police has started investigating the matter. In a video that's doing rounds on social media, miscreants are seen opening fire at a jewellery shop in broad daylight. Reports say that three miscreants fired three rounds at the RP Jewelers showroom in the crowded Royal Market on Wednesday night (February 28th). According to the information, angry over not opening the gate, the miscreants started firing from outside.
The video clearly shows the broken condition of the glass panes of the showroom. The people inside the showroom reportedly had a narrow escape. After the incident, top police officials along with the crime team and forensic team reached the spot. Police have also recovered empty cartridges from the spot.
It is feared that the motive behind the incident could be extortion. According local residents and other shop owners in the area, Last week a similar incident took place in which three miscreants had tried to enter the same jewelery showroom, but the shop owner did not open the gate. Aman Vihar police is investigating the entire matter. Also, top police officials have conducted a thorough investigation on the spot.
Similar past incident
A similar incident was reported in New Delhi in November 2023 when three men allegedly robbed a jewellery shop and while fleeing, two of them snatched the motorcycle of a passerby in northeast Delhi's Karawal Nagar. According to police, the incident took place at Prem Vihar in Karawal Nagar where the three men came to commit the robbery at Jai Durga Jewellers. The shop owner had told police that several customers were present when the gunmen, wearing helmets, barged into the shop.