The BJP party on Thursday staged a state-wide protest in Karnataka demanding the arrest of three Muslim girls who allegedly filmed a Hindu girl student in a college restroom. The protest turned violent in Bengaluru, when the BJP party activists, members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and BJP Yuva Morcha tried to barge inside the premises of the residence of Home Minister Dr G. Parameshwara. The police foiled the attempt of the protesters and detained them. The detained activists have been taken to the Sadashivanagar police station in the city.
In view of the incident, security around the residence of Minister Parameshwara has been tightened. Besides erecting barricades, a platoon of the Karnataka State Reserve Police (KSRP) have been deployed at the spot. The BJP party is also staging a protest at various locations in Bengaluru. The party workers are staging a protest in the Premises of Freedom Park. Former DyCM Dr C.N. Ashwath Narayan, State General Secretary and MLC N. Ravikumar and BJP MLC Tejsawini Gowda are participating in the protest.
ABVP and BJP stages protest
The activists of BJP and ABVP are staging a protest in Udupi, from where the incident had been reported amid heavy rains. The protest is being staged at the Martyrs Memorial in the city. The protesters are demanding justice to the victim girl student. They are also demanding that the district SP come to the spot and give assurance in this regard. The state BJP women's wing is staging a protest in connection with the incident in all district headquarters of the state.
BJP claims Karnataka govt taking soft stand on issue
The issue had taken political and communal turn in the state with the BJP leaders suspecting it to be an act of invisible hands. Besides, the Congress is accused of taking a soft stand on accused Muslim girls who took the video of a Hindu girl. Claimed it to be an organised crime against Hindu girls, the saffron party leaders attacked the Congress government for carrying out politics of appeasement by trying to hush up the case.
The Karnataka police are also alleged of harassing the woman activist Rashmi Samanth for raising her voice regarding the issue. The para-medical college had maintained that the victim is not willing to lodge a complaint against the Muslim girls. The police had earlier maintained that they could not take up the case as there is lack of evidence. However, after coming under pressure as the development turned out to be a national news, the police had lodged a suo motu case and initiated a probe.