Bengaluru, January 23: In a horrific incident of road rage, a man was dragged on the bonnet of a cab for several metres in Bengaluru. While the incident took place on January 15, a CCTV footage surfaced online on Tuesday, January 23. It happened at the Maramma temple circle in Bengaluru. The victim has been identified as Ashwath.
Ashwath was driving his white car when an altercation broke out between him and a cab driver, identified as Muneer, over a collision between the two vehicles. In order to stop Muneer from leaving the spot, Ashwath climbed onto the bonnet of the cab. But Muneer did not stop and started driving his cab. He dragged Ashwath on the bonnet for about 400 metres until some passersby made him stop.
Man Dragged On Bonnet Of Cab In Bengaluru:
In the viral video, the cab driver is seen dragging Muneer on the bonnet of his vehicle. The video of the road rage incident is going viral on social media. No case has been registered as the victim did not lodged any complaint. However, taking cognizance of the viral video, the police registered a Non-Cognizable Report (NCR) against Muneer. Further investigation is underway. It remained unclear whether Ashwath sustained any injury during the incident.