Panaji, January 19: A 39-year-old CEO of a Bengaluru-based AI company arrested for allegedly murdering her four-year-old son at a service apartment in the coastal state has been sent to 13-day judicial custody, an official said on Friday. Suchana Seth, 39, was arrested on January 9 in Chitradurga district of Karnataka while she was heading to Bengaluru in a cab. Initially, she was sent to six-day police custody, and later it was extended by five days.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Vishwesh Karpe told IANS: "She was presented in court on Friday. DNA, medical tests and other things have been taken care of. Hence, we did not require further police custody." The police officer said that she was not cooperating in the investigation.
What's The Case?
According to the police, Suchana Seth is a native of West Bengal who had settled in Bengaluru. She was married to a Keralite.
She had checked into a service apartment in Candolim, North Goa on January 7 with her son and left for Bengaluru early next day after allegedly committing the crime in the room, the police said.
The police said that the incident came to light after house-keeping staff went to clean the apartment and noticed some bloodstains.