In a chilling incident from Uttarakhand, two bike-borne men brutally shot dead Baba Tarsem Singh, the Dera Kar Seva Pramukh of Nanakmatta Gurdwara in Udham Singh Nagar district on Thursday morning. The terrifying shooting was captured on a CCTV and comes days after Singh It reportedly expressed concerns about his safety.
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The shooting reportedly happened around 6 am on Thursday when the two men, who have not yet been identified, entered the premises and shot 60-year-old Singh. He sustained grave injuries and was rushed to a nearby private hospital in Khatima for urgent medical attention. However, tragically, he succumbed to injuries shortly after arrival.
Police examine CCTV footage
According to reports, three shots were fired at Singh, with one bullet piercing through his abdomen. The police have been examining the CCTV footage of the assailants, who were seen wearing turbans – one white and the other black. Additionally, one of the assailants was dressed in jeans while the other wore trousers.
Singh had been preparing for the Hola Mahalla festival slated for March in Nankamatta. Discussions regarding the preparations were reportedly underway on Thursday as well.
Following Singh's death, the police deployed heavy force in Nankamatta and the hospital to avert potential tensions.